My Book Collection

February 1, 2016 • Album, Random

Following up my 2016 resolute attempt for minimalist living and to break attachment with books, I’m listing out books which I have, and books I no longer have which I might need later for reference.

Self Development

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People : Powerful Lessons in Personal Change
Stephen R. Covey // Simon & Schuster // 0743269519

How to be Interesting (In 10 Simple Steps)
Jessica Hagy // Workman Publishing // 9780761174707

Lead to Bless Leader
Paulus Bambang WS // PT Elex Media Komputindo // 9789792750591

Success Through Character
Jakoep Ezra // Penerbit Andi // 9797632997


Pandangan Dunia : Bagaimana Orang-orang Memandang Tuhan
Trinamawati (Penerjemah) // Yayasan Gloria // 6029254073

Our Daily Bread Devotional Bible
Discovery House Publishers // 9781414361956


국립국어원 // 세종학당재단

국립국어원 // 세종학당재단 // 9788996994718

국립국어원 // 세종학당재단 // 9788996994725

국립국어원 // 세종학당재단 // 9788996994732

국립국어원 // 세종학당재단 // 9788996994763

안영호 // 한국외국어대학교 출판부 // 9788974640781

정영림 // 한국외국어대학교 출판부 // 9788974646967

Merriam-Webster’s Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary
Merriam Webster Inc // 9780877795506

Sundanese English Dictionary
R. R. Hardjadibrata // Pustaka Jaya // 9794193216

Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia Pusat Bahasa (Edisi Keempat)
Departemen Pendidikan Nasional // PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama // 9789792238419

Design & IT

The Ultimate Guide to Video Game Writing and Design
Flint Dille // Watson-Guptill Publications // 158065066X

Designing with the Mind in Mind : Simple Guide to Understanding User Interface Design Rules
Jeff Johnson // Elsevier Science & Technology // 012375030X

365 Habits of Successful Graphic Designers
Laurel Saville // Page One Publishing Pte Ltd // 9789814286404


Data Structures Using C
Reema Thareja // OUP India // 0198065442

Books I no longer have. Kept for my reference.

Self Development

The Rules of Work (Second Edition)
Richard Templar // Pearson Education // 9780273730262

Your Road Map for Success (Terjemahan Indonesia)
John C. Maxwell // MIC Publishing // 6028482390


Keep Your Hand Moving
Anwar Holid // PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama // 9789792258448

Proses Kreatif Menulis Cerpen
Hermawan Aksan // Penerbit Nuansa Cendekia // 9786023500048

Nulis itu “Dipraktekin”
Tim Wesfix // Penerbit Grasindo // 9786022513957

Genius Menulis : Penerang Batin Para Penulis
Faiz Manshur // Penerbit Nuansa // 9786028394543


Tata Bahasa Korea
Sri Endah Setia Lestari // Kesaint Blanc // 9795933051

Kamahéran Jeung Kaparigelan Aksara Sunda
Elis Suryani NS // Ghalia Indonesia // 9789794506226

Kamus Saku Korea Indonesia Indonesia Korea
Usmi // PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama // 9789792237306

Kamus Saku Prancis Indonesia Indonesia Prancis
Silvia // PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama // 9789792260656


Successful Implementation of KM in Indonesia
Dunamis Publishing // Dunamis Publishing // 9786021880227

Pandji Pragiwaksono // Penerbit Bentang // 9786022911081

Entrepreneurship for Scientists and Engineers
Kathleen Allen // Pearson Education // 0132091437

Manager’s Guide to Motivating Employees (Second Edition)
Anne Bruce // McGraw Hill // 978007177297


Kitab Sejarah Terlengkap Majapahit
Teguh Panji // Laksana // 9786022960638


Big Basuki
GoPeople! // Penerbit Grasindo // 9786022518150

Habibie : Tak Boleh Lelah dan Kalah!
Fachmy Casofa // Tiga Serangkai // 9786029212907

Andy Noya : Kisah Hidupku
Andy F. Noya // Penerbit Buku Kompas // 9789797099541


Information Technology Project Management
Kathy Schwalbe // Cengage Learning, Inc // 1111221758

Database Systems : A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation, and Management (Fifth Edition)
Thomas Connolly // Pearson Education International // 0321601106

Service-Oriented Architecture : Concepts, Technology, and Design
Erl Thomas // Pearson Education // 0131858580

Discovering Computers 2011 : Living in a Digital World, Complete
Gary B. Shelly // Cengage Learning // 1439079269

Strategic Planning for Information Systems
John Ward // John Wiley & Sons Ltd // 0470841478

IT (Information Technology) Portfolio Management Step-by-Step : Unlocking the Business Value of Technology
Brian Maizlish // John Wiley & Sons Ltd // 0471649848

IT Systems Management
Rich Schiesser // Pearson Education // 0137025068

Design & IT

Paduan Lengkap Editing Video dengan Adobe Premier Pro CS4
MADCOMS // Penerbit Andi // 9789792909630

60 Aplikasi PLC-Mikro
Dian Artanto // PT Elex Media Komputindo // 9786020029283

Membangun Aplikasi Mobile dengan Qt SDK
Erick Kurniawan // Penerbit Andi // 9789792927214

Android : Pemrograman Aplikasi Mobile Smartphone dan Tablet PC Berbasis Android
Nazruddin Safaat H. // Penerbit Informatika // 9786028758529


Kevin Loo // City Harvest Church Kuala Lumpur // 9789671066225

Phil Pringle // PaX Ministries Pty Ltd // 9780646552415

You The Leader
Phil Pringle // Attributes Publishing // 0975190512


Frank Herbert // Penguin Putnam Inc // 0441172717

Catching Fire (Terjemahan Indonesia)
Suzanne Collins // PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama // 9789792259810

Mockingjay (Terjemahan Indonesia)
Suzanne Collins // PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama // 9789792278439

Agatha Christie’s Poirot : The Life and Times of Hercule Poirot
Anne Hart // HarperCollinsPublishers // 9780006499572

Misteri Tujuh Lonceng
Agatha Christie // PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama // 9789792283679

Kubur Berkubah
Agatha Christie // PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama // 9789792291568

Penelusuran Benang Merah Sherlock Holmes
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle // PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama // 9789792290127


Himpunan Peraturan tentang Ketenagakerjaan, UMP, UMK, UMR & Pengawasannya Tahun 2013
PT Tamita Utama // 9786027531253

Panduan Lengkap Pajak
Yustinus Prastowo // Raih Asa Sukses // 9789790130814

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