Features • Downloads • Supported Browsers • Documentation • Known Issues • License
PopMenu is a jQuery plugin that lets you add right-click context menu (popup menu) to any HTML element on your web page!
See plugin examples and demo here.
- Unlimited menu items and sub-menus.
- Context menu and sub-menus are always displayed within the viewport.
- Choice of transition effects: fade, slide, or none.
- Easily manipulate menu entries using jQuery: add/remove, enable/disable, show/hide.
- Allows icons to be displayed beside the text.
- Inserting separators between items.
- CSS customization.
- Light and dark themes included.
- Reuse a context menu on multiple elements.
- Complete API documentation.
- Small size (15KB minified).
- Compatible with major browsers.
PopMenu Context Menu Plugin for jQuery is available for download:
Source code is available at GitHub Repository.
Supported Browsers
PopMenu has been tested and known to work on the following browsers:
- Firefox 29
- Chrome 31
- Opera 12
- Safari 5
- Internet Explorer 8 (with known issues — see below)
Documentation is available under /docs/index.html in the package file or click here to view online documentation for the latest version.
Known Issues
- On IE 8, attaching a PopMenu instance to multiple elements are not supported.
- On IE 8, displaying context menu on left click are not supported.
Should you encounter bugs or have feature requests, feel free to report them at GitHub Issues Page.
PopMenu is released under MIT License.
© 2014-2016 Fajar Yoseph Chandra